segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2011

História: periódicos de acesso aberto

  1. 19 : Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century
  2. 49th Parallel : an Interdisciplinary Journal of North America
  3. Aestimatio : Critical Reviews in the History of Science
  4. African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies
  5. African Journal on Conflict Resolution
  6. African Studies Quarterly: the Online Journal for African Studies
  7. American Diplomacy
  8. American Studies Journal
  9. AmeriQuests
  10. Anistoriton Journal
  11. Annals of Genealogical Research
  12. Asian Culture and History
  13. Asia-Pacific Journal : Japan Focus
  14. Aspeers : Emerging Voices in American Studies
  15. Barroco
  16. Bryn Mawr Classical Review
  17. Catalan Historical Review
  18. Crimes and Misdemeanours : Deviance and the Law in Historical Perspective
  19. Cris : Casopis Povijesnog Društvo Križevci
  20. Cromohs (Firenze)
  21. Delaware Review of Latin American Studies
  22. Digital Medievalist
  23. Dubrovnik Annals
  24. E-Journal of Portuguese History
  25. E-Keltoi : Journal of Interdisciplinary Celtic Studies
  26. Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography
  27. EMAJ : Electronic Melbourne Art Journal
  28. E-Preservation Science
  29. Eras
  30. Forum for Inter-American Research (FIAR)
  31. GEFAME
  32. Globality Studies Journal : Global History, Society, Civilization
  33. Historia Actual Online
  34. Historical Review
  35. International Journal of Naval History
  36. Irish Migration Studies in Latin America
  37. Janus Head
  38. Japanese Journal of American Studies
  39. Journal for Late Antique Religion and Culture
  40. Journal of African American Males in Education
  41. Journal of Bhutan Studies
  42. Journal of Dagaare Studies
  43. Journal of Historians of Netherlandish Art
  44. Journal of Historical Biography
  45. Journal of the Association for History and Computing
  46. Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature
  47. Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies
  48. Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe
  49. Kronos (Bellville)
  50. Leeds International Classical Studies
  51. Mamlūk Studies Review
  52. Medical History
  53. Medieval Review
  54. Mirator
  55. Nordic Journal of African Studies
  56. Nordic Notes
  57. Peregrinations
  58. Public History Review
  59. Quest : Issues in Contemporary Jewish History.
  60. Reviews in History
  61. Revista Româna de Studii Baltice si Nordice
  62. RIHA Journal
  63. Southern Spaces
  64. Spontaneous Generations : Journal for the History and Philosophy of Science
  65. Studies on Asia
  66. Sydney Journal
  67. Tabularia : Sources Écrites de la Normandie Médiévale
  68. Talia Dixit : Revista Interdisciplinar de Retórica e Historiografía
  69. The Heroic Age : a Journal of Early Medieval Northwestern Europe
  70. Transit
  71. Translocations : Irish Migration, Race and Social Transformation Review
  72. Trypillian Civilization Journal
  73. Vestnik : The Journal of Russian and Asian Studies
  74. World History Connected : The e-Journal of Teaching and Learning

Fonte: OAJSE
Imagem: Internet

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